Public Sector Studies/Projects

Blackwell Reach/Robin Hood Gardens Estate Development Review
For the London Borough of Tower Hamlets in 2010 assessing scheme development, developing scheme options, review of Planning Strategy, assisting LBTH officers and assessing all outline planning application documentation, including Environmental Statement, Design & Access Statement and Planning Statement. The work involvement liaison with urban designers to assess the scheme options and offering advice the LBTH for subsequent scheme development following criticism from Design Council CABE. Subsequently, in March 2012, an improved outline planning application scheme was approved. Following this, and during demolition, further architectural advice was sought in 2013 to review the approved Masterplan again, particularly involving significant further public consultation.

London Borough of Barnet Open Space Recreational Facilities Needs Assessment
During 2008 – 2009, we led the preparation of this PPG 17 assessment to review the quantity, quality and accessibility of open space and outdoor sports and recreational facilities, with over 200 sites surveyed and assessed. The work, based on PPG 17, key best practice guidance and existing PPG 17 assessments, initially involved a review of existing and emerging planning policy, best practice and analysing open space, sport and recreation needs and priorities through a socio-economic indicator assessment. All sites were surveyed using a proforma and information from the London Borough of Barnet (LBB) and then plotted into GIS. A detailed methodology was developed for quantity and accessibility assessments and then for the quality and value elements, in close discussion with LBB and key stakeholders. Following agreement of a sound and robust survey and method, the methodologies were then applied to the data. Several stakeholder consultations were held to develop the methodology and assist in gaining further data.

Provision standards were then developed and applied and the work summarised in a Final Report, which included recommendations for open space, outdoor sport and recreation. The work will be used as part of the evidence base and policy input to the emerging Core Strategy.

Sustainable Design & Construction SPD, London Borough of Barnet
We led the small team, with a supporting specialist consultancy that developed this SPD for the London Borough of Barnet in 2007, which has been subsequently adopted in June 2007 and is currently being used by officers. The SPD sets out guidance for delivering successful, high quality suburbs now and in the future. Part 1 set out a clarification of the local interpretation of sustainable development; Part 2 set out essential design requirements against which planning applications are judged – contribution of development to environmental quality and environmental performance in terms of resource use; and Part 3 set out guidelines on how applicants should respond to this SPD.

Employment Land Reviews for North West and Yorkshire & Humber
We led the preparation of two separate Employment Land Reviews (ELR) for two regions, in accordance with the Government guidance issued in December 2004, which were intended to inform the preparation of the respective Regional Spatial Strategies.

The work for the Yorkshire and Humber region in late 2005 involved the early stages of such work on taking stock of supply, analysing regional econometric model scenarios and providing conclusions about the way forward.

The work for the North West in 2005 was to undertake a complete ELR (Stages 1 – 3) covering policy reviews, review of existing ELRs in the region, best practice guidance review, explanation of methodology, then taking stock of supply (quantity and quality), a qualitative market demand appraisal, understanding and determining future requirements through scenarios, identifying new sites and making policy recommendations.

Stansted/M11 Corridor Development Options Study
In 2003, we led the preparation of a study for Essex County Council that provided a definite judgement and steer on the sustainable approach to potential long term growth in the study corridor, taking into account the implications of airport expansion options. The work was undertaken in four main stages – inception; data collection, analysis and key issues involving a baseline assessment, quantification of growth, detailed potential site assessments, constraints and opportunities, analysis of urbanisation effects and sub regional appraisal; developing strategic development options involving site selection and assessment, settlement growth suitability, option formulation & evaluation; and, a final report including a preferred option and implementation plan.

The work involved leading and coordinating two other specialist consultancies in environment and economics. It was used in the formulation of the East of England Plan during 2005 – 2006 and it has been used in formulating statutory planning documents in Essex. It was one of the early studies in the region into sustainable locations of growth and it developed valuable methodologies into site selection and evaluation, environmental and landscape suitability evaluation, option evaluation and the combination of economic, spatial, planning and urbanisation factors in assessment appropriate growth locations.

Kings College Cambridge Cambridge Sub Region Study
During 2001, we led the preparation of the first sub region study since the 1970s, as required by the earlier regional planning guidance (RPG 6). It created and provided an independent appraisal of three alternative options for development for this fast growing area up to 2016. It contained four main areas of work – an assessment of the urban capacity of Cambridge; a full Green Belt review; a detailed assessment of areas of search for new settlements (which ultimately led to the location of Northstowe new settlement); and, an assessment of the potential of market town and larger villages for growth. Various new and improved methodologies were developed at the time – identifying the 200+ ‘Sites Database’ using an enhanced sieving technique and GIS, classification of sites using density templates, developing a sites prioritisation process to aid selection, the process of Green Belt appraisal and the environmental capacity assessment.

The work involved leading and coordinating two other specialist consultancies in environment and sustainability and economics. It was used in the early stages of formulation of the East of England Plan and it has been used in formulating statutory planning documents in Cambridgeshire.

Subsequently, amendments to the County Structure Plan and various Local Plans ultimately led to establishing ‘areas of major change’, which have been the subject of subsequent developments, that have been managed through the planning process by a Quality Panel that scrutinises every stage. Therefore, the Sub Region Study was the ‘base study' that led to the sustainable development opportunities around Cambridge without compromising the Green Belt or sustainability principles.

Isle of wight Core Strategy Brief for Isle of Wight Council
We led the preparation of the Tender Brief for the Isle of Wight Council in 2004 to comply with the new Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act and the 2004 PPS 12. The work involved complying with the requirements of PPS 12 and consultation with senior Council officers. The draft Brief set the context, outlined principles of sustainability, overall aims and objectives, the suggested methodology and consultation, the proposed programme, details of resourcing and study management and the various tender requirements.

The Council wanted to use consultants to undertake the bulk of the Core Strategy work using funding from the PDG for that year. The Tender Brief was subsequently published under EU tendering procedures.